When Strengths and Passions Collide #IMMOOC

During a recent professional learning experience, I had the opportunity to reflect on my personal mission statement. One of the prompts was, “I am at my best when….” As I was writing down tasks, roles, and responsibilities related to feeling my best, I had a moment of rediscovery. I realized that I am at my best when my passions and strengths collide. When I have the opportunity to co-create with adults or students, my strengths and passions collide. When I am learning, networking, and sharing, my strengths and passions collide. When I have the opportunity to amplify student voice, my strengths and passions most certainly, collide.


As I reflected on this, I thought of a strength/passion matrix, much like a skill/will matrix. I created this to remind myself that just because adults or kids are good at something, does not necessarily mean that they are passionate about it. For example, I am good at troubleshooting technology issues- I am not passionate about it. I’d rather spend my time in other ways, where I feel like I am learning and maximizing my passion and talent. I believe there is danger in spending too much time in strength only areas, leading to disconnection or the feeling of status quo. Strength-finders are great tools to help individuals and teams discover and leverage strengths, so long as we do not sacrifice passion or box people into being that one person that does that one thing well. The key is “and.” Strength AND passion!

My CliftonStrengths Results:

Strengths Finder

3 thoughts on “When Strengths and Passions Collide #IMMOOC

  1. Great post! “just because adults or kids are good at something, does not necessarily mean that they are passionate about it” – YES! I think it’s so important to the intersection of skill & passion and to encourage our students to do the same. I’m amazing at data entry, but I’m definitely not passionate about it! We need to chose things we love AND challenge us, or we become bored.


  2. I am a firm proponent of a strengths-based model but it often not understood by all educators. It is a great point you raise that just we are good at something does not necessarily mean we enjoy or are passionate about it. Love the idea of a strengths/passion matrix!

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